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1. JR, Kinder and Parents Judo Class: 4:45 - 6:00pm (Tu & Fr)
2. SR, JR (+12 Yrs) Judo & Jukkendo Class: 6:15 - 7:50pm (Tu & Fr)
3. SR, JR (+12 Yrs) Advanced Judo Class: 8:00 - 9:00pm (Tu) & Open Mat 8:00 - 9:00pm (Fr) -All levels of Judo & Jukkendo. 

For more Info: Sensei Nori Bunasawa 949-645-1674 or

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Bunasawa-Kai member's Family and friends are all Welcome !!!!!


A. Date & Time: 6:15- 9:30 pm. 12/22 (Fri), 2023

B. PLACE: Bunaswa-kai Dojo, 254 Victoria St, Costa Mesa Ca 92627 (Honganji Temple Newport Beach).

C. Type of Party: Potluck -All BKI members bring any main dishes or dessert or any type of foods. BunaswaKai will provide Pizza and beverage.

  1. Jr. & Sr. Warm-up and light workout. -6:15 pm.

  2. Promotions and Award ceremony. -7:00 pm.

  3. Party start. -7:30 pm -till 9:30 pm.

New Year 2023 Schedule: BKI Dojo will start on - Jan 9th (Tue).

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BunasawaKai (BKI/IJKF) Fall promotion test has been completed Nov 22 -12/13.


1. -Jr.10th Kyu (Yellow w/ white stripe Belt): Taia Moriguchi, Victoria Correal.

2. -Jr. 9th Kyu (Yellow Belt): Micheal Shapirshteyn, Alex Joly, Carolina Correal, Tod and Urnuun Myagmarsuren, Kaimana Lynch, Rowan German.

3. -Jr. 8th Kyu (Orange Belt): Seigo Takagi, John and Spencer Lewis, Madelyn Lee.

4. -Sr. 6 Kyu (Green Belt): Jimmy Correal, Phi Nguyen, Alex Smith, Gerard Ngo, Huang Dixuan.

5. -Sr. 5 Kyu (Green w/Black stripe Belt): Duy Thuy, Fernando Kowalski

6. -Sr. 2 Kyu (Brown w/Black stripe Belt): Tim Lewis.

7. -Sr. 1st Dan (Black Belt) : Raj Patel.

8. -Sr. 3rd Dan (Black Belt -USJF) : Nick Feinhals, Cary Okawa, Mary Wakabayashi.


1. -Sr. 2nd Dan (Black Belt): Susan Okawa.

- Congratulations !!! students who all passed the

promotion test. -(12/13/2022)

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